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SCADpro X Deloitte

Creating the ultimate 5G experience


My Role

Research Lead

What I Did


UI Development


Group Project 


10 Weeks

SCADpro Collaboration 


The future of 5G is a connected world of high speed data, low-latency, and broad bandwidth. 5G will redefine the spaces we live, work and learn in, creating ecosystems where devices and people are connected in real time. It will make current systems faster, safer, and more efficient while bringing cutting edge technologies like edge computing and extended reality to the forefront of government and public services. 5G is prepared to propel a new wave of innovation, but it needs an initial push. We are standing at the precipice of this future: where we can push it into reality.

In March 2021, Deloitte partnered with SCADpro to communicate the future of 5G and Edge by portraying the ultimate 5G/Edge experience with a focus on their Government and Public Services (GPS) clients. As a team we quickly realized that the future of 5G will not be defined by technological barriers or infrastructure costs, but by the extent of our imaginations.




5G is the fifth generation of wireless network technology. But a new generation of wireless technology is not like

trading in your two-year-old smartphone for the latest model. It's the jump from an early 2000s flip phone to a

modern smartphone.


5G offers four distinct advantages over 4G: network speeds 10 to 100 times faster, ultra low latency down to 1 millisecond, a 100 times increase in bandwidth, device-to-device communication, and the new feature of network slicing.


The increased speed of 5G will reduce hour-long downloads on 4G networks to minutes and the low latency will allow automated systems to react 250 times faster than the human eye. With the increased bandwidth, 5G will be able to support up to a million devices per square kilometer (New York City has 10,194 people per square kilometer).

Device-to-device (D2D) communication will allow devices to bypass the network, operating independently or

optimizing data transfer within the network. Network slicing will allow the 5G network to be divided and optimized between the needs of specific devices, adding a critical level of dynamism in expanding network architectures.


The future of 5G stands on five key pillars. Efficiency, 5G/Edge innovation will be driven by the creation of connected systems generating insights from a multitude of diverse devices. Connectivity, 5G will make our connections faster than ever and Edge will derive intelligent insights through these connections near instantaneously. Speed, Speed and connectivity will combine to create systems that act on information in real-time and provide adaptive tools to improve human experiences. Safety, The continuous flow of information from 5G/Edge's connectivity and speed will create safe autonomous systems and precise health monitoring. Lastly, accessibility, 5G/Edge will make a range of services and technology, like healthcare and digital reality, more accessible by overcoming the limitations of current networks.


Urban Mobility

Autonomous Systems:


5G and Edge will provide the rapid connection and processing necessary to support a fully autonomous network of vehicles by providing real-time awareness between vehicles and the surrounding environment. A key concern for autonomous vehicles is the event of a vehicle becoming disconnected from the network. 5G's support of device-to-device (D2D) communication will enable vehicles to bypass the network and directly communicate with each other, ensuring vehicles can maintain a direct awareness of each other. This capability can be expanded with more 5G connected devices through cellular vehicle-to-everything (C-V2X), which allows communication between vehicles and 5G equipped devices like stop lights and construction worker vests.


Fully autonomous systems won't arrive until robust 5G and Edge infrastructure has been constructed. As these systems are developed, they will offer increasing levels of information to better inform vehicles, city services, and people.



Automated Truck Platooning:


The United States trucking industry is simultaneously experiencing growing demand and a lack of professional drivers. By 2030, freight tonnage is expected to grow by 25% and the shortage of professional drivers is expected to exceed 160,000. The lack of professional drivers already impedes the industry's ability to maximize efficiency, and, as demand grows, it will threaten the delivery schedules of commercial fleets. This will negatively impact businesses and consumers down the supply chain, especially small businesses that can't afford to warehouse goods.



Drone Enablement:


The unmanned aerial systems (UAS) industry is growing rapidly and expected to reach $45.8 billion by 2025, with over 442 thousand commercial drones registered as of March 2020. However, broad commercial application of drones has been limited by the FAA because of the lack of a sufficient surveillance infrastructure to precisely monitor drone operations, similar to air traffic control for planes. This infrastructure must be capable of ensuring the continuous tracking and communication between drones to protect lives and vital infrastructure. The FAA is prepared to approve such a reliable infrastructure, but it will be up to the market to build it.

Hospital In Home

Using continuous flow of information generated by 5G and Edge, hospitals will be able to better understand the needs and physiology of each patient. With this understanding, hospitals will be able to begin providing intelligent medicine that is specified to a patient's physiology and condition. This will allow medicine to be prescribed on a multitude of factors founded on continuously evolving algorithms that improve with each time a medicine is used. Intelligent medicine has the potential to improve the efficacy of medicine use and reduce the amount of medicine patients need.


Perhaps the greatest advantage of 5G and Edge within healthcare will be enabling increasingly data intensive and complex medical care to be moved to the home, circumventing the costs and infrastructure restrictions of hospitals. 5G will provide the fast connections and low latency to support continuous health monitoring in our homes and ensure quality connections between patients and physicians for all remote interactions. By using 5G and Edge to harness Al based data analytics of health data, healthcare will enter a new era of intelligent care where patients' conditions are quickly and accurately addressed and hospital-level care reaches our own homes.

Wearable Health Monitoring:


While continuous health monitoring presents a tremendous opportunity for improving patient outcomes through data analysis, no one wants to be bound to devices that restrict their movement or comfort. Wearables have already demonstrated themselves as an effective way to provide continuous health monitoring that is both comfortable and affordable. 5G and Edge will expand the capabilities of wearable devices and translate the current continuous health monitoring into real-time insights.

HiH Medical Device Support:


A major limitation to HiH care is the inability of current networks to support in-home use of a broad range of medical devices. Many medical devices generate large amounts of data that can be difficult or slow to transfer over current networks. This prevents these devices from providing healthcare professionals useful information in real-time


Immersive Reality for HiH:


One of the primary advantages of a hospital is the close-knit network of experienced professionals able to assist each other and provide the best possible care to patients With HiH relying on current technology, this network is reduced to text, phone call, and video call. Video calls convey the most information, but are subject to reliability issues and are dependent on hand-held technologies that limit a healthcare professional's ability to interact with the patient.


AR Integration:

AR will integrate with other elements of HiH systems to clearly display patient information in a centralized location, providing healthcare professionals with all the information they need to provide informed care. 5G will stream data generated by wearables and medical devices. Immersive Reality for HiH to clinician's AR headsets in real-time. With 5G's speed, patient managing  health records can be securely transferred from hospital databases with minimal delay. Healthcare professionals will be able to personalize the organization of this information so that it is readily available and positioned in a way that does not interfere with the professional's interactions with patients.

Connected Battlefield 

Battlefields are becoming faster and more connected, demanding decisions in minutes rather than hours across the domains of air, sea, land, space, and cyberspace simultaneously. However, military networks are decades behind the rapid evolution of modern technologies. To maintain operational supremacy, the military will need a network that can communicate massive amounts of information in real-time and enable new technologies to be exploited to their fullest.

Beyond the battlefield, 5G and Edge will provide the speed and connectivity needed to power solutions that improve logistical efficiency and ensure operational integrity. 5G and Edge will enable autonomous systems on bases able to streamline logistics as well as dense loT networks capable of providing continuous monitoring of equipment and vehicle condition. 5G and Edge will also drive the adoption of technologies like wearables and AR that will help create trustworthy virtual healthcare for the DOD and VA.

Soldier Health Monitoring


Understanding a person's vitals is essential to providing critical care. However, in combat medics must respond to injuries without access to any information other than what they can see and gather through basic assessments. After a combat medic has addressed a soldier's injuries, medevac personnel and field surgeons' ability to prepare treatment for the soldier is limited to auditory descriptions of the soldier's wounds and written records of the treatment provided to the wounded.


AR for Medics:


When medics are responding to a wounded soldier, it is essential that they are able to use and record information in a hands-free manner so their attention can be focused on the soldier. Being able to access supplemental health information allows medics to better monitor a soldier's condition and make informed decisions. Recording the treatment they provide is essential to guiding continued treatment in field hospitals and ensuring that treatments like tourniquets do not cause harm. However, medics are currently not able to record or use information in a hands-free manner. They are forced to respond to wounds without any supplemental health information and record all treatment provided by hand.

Real Time Intelligence:


But AR is not just for medics. Robust AR headsets can have a number of sensors and cameras integrated into their design to create continuous streams of data. Edge will be able to process this data and return intelligent insights with minimal latency to soldiers on the battlefield and to command. AR will be a key device in transforming the battlefield into a network of sensors, creating layered levels of intelligence for rapid decision making and translating this intelligence into an intuitive resource for forces on the ground. The speed and connectivity of 5G combined with the utility of localized Edge processing will allow the military to take full advantage of AR and push it to its limits on and off the battlefield.

Drone Operations:


Drones Will be a key technology to providing intelligence and keeping personnel safe. Curren- networks limit the applications drones can perform and the scale at which they are used. For drones to take on more advanced applications, they will need the connectivity provided by 5G and the computational support of Edge. Two capabilities that 5G and Edge will enable are extensive drone surveillance and the rapid delivery of critical medical supplies.


Drone Surveillance:


Mounting cameras to drones is a useful way of quickly gathering intelligence; however, cameras produce large amounts of data that currently must be stored on a drone's own hardware or transferred with reduced quality. This limits how much data can be gathered and reduces the value of this data by limiting access to high quality video and analytics. This severely limits the implementation of multipurpose imaging like LIDAR. LIDAR provides accurate mapping of physical spaces that can be used to construct detailed 3D models or accurate object detection. However, real-time applications of LIDAR are impossible with current networks due to the large amounts of data generated by LIDAR and the intense processing required to translate this data into a usable form




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